We are the Democrats of Hardin County, Ohio.
We work to better the lives of Ohioans and Hardin County residents. We believe health care is a right, diversity is a strength, the economy should work for everyone, and facts and truth matter.
Would you like to take action?
You can volunteer in different activities to help shape the future of Hardin County.
What people say about how the Democrats are shaping the future of Hardin County
“Joining Hardin County Democrats has given me the opportunity to meet others in the community who feel passionate about issues that I care strongly about. The group welcomes everyone with open arms and gives me a support system in and out of the meetings.”

Mara Guyton
Student“What I appreciate about the Hardin Democrat Party is their willingness to try new things. The members don’t simply rest on traditional and ‘the way we’ve always done it’ attitudes.”

Sheila Coressel
University staff and Council memberBesides the sound economic stability that Democrats bring to the table, I admire their belief that all people are should be treated equally with dignity, respect and fairness regardless of race, age, gender identify, sexual orientation, disability or color of skin. We have a moral responsibility to help the elderly and disadvantaged.

Kathy Flowers
RetiredContact us today
Frequently Asked Questions
When do the Hardin County Democrats meet ?
Our General Meeting is the second Wednesday of every month, 6-8 PM, typically at the Kenton Library.
When the COVID-19 pandemic is surging, we meet online on Zoom. For the link, contact Democratic Chair Mike Hubbell: 419-673-6346.
What do Democrats believe?
We believe in a better future for Ohio and Hardin County. Find out more.
Who is my precinct representative?
Find out about your precinct representative and our Party leadership here.
How do I run for office?
Every year, Hardin County residents elect new representatives to serve our community. Positions range from Town and Village Councils to School Boards and Township leadership. See our “Events and Activities” page for more details on how to serve our County.
Where do I go to vote?
Contact the Hardin County Board of Elections.